Damaged credit not only affects your finances—but your life. The financial burden caused by damaged credit can be devastating. It can cost you hundreds, even thousands of dollars in ongoing finance charges, costs and fees. Everything from your insurance rate to your monthly cell phone fee is financially impacted by damaged credit. The negative effects of damaged credit can also impact your personal life by preventing you from getting a job, being promoted at your current job, buying or renting a home, getting a credit card or even buying a car. Most individuals faced with credit problems are not aware that there are things that can be done to successfully restore and build their credit score. Learn More
Having Uncle Sam breathing down your neck over a tax issue can make anyone seek out a quick fix, but before seeking help from any company or professional, you must know your options. While there are reputable firms with accredited certified public accountants, enrolled agents and tax attorneys to assist in settling tax issues, there are also unscrupulous companies that may not have your best interest in mind. Understanding your options and having an effective resolution and protection plan in place is the key to a successful settlement/elimination of your tax problem(s). Learn More
Whether it's a traffic ticket, divorce, warranty dispute or real estate issue, chances are at some point you will need legal help or advice. Legal protection, also known as pre-paid legal services, is like other forms of insurance in that it covers you against potential costs and legal action brought against you by an individual or institution. An additional benefit of pre-paid legal services is the ability to receive legal advice and guidance from an attorney at no charge or at a significantly reduced rate—saving you hundreds, even thousands of dollars in legal expenses. Learn More
Every purchase you make to the hundreds of records and documents with your personal information—it is all at risk. If your identity is stolen, you can spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars cleaning up your credit and struggling to get back your good name. Fortunately, there are things you can do right now and action you can take to protect you and your family against this emotionally and financially devastating crime. Learn More